Tips & Tricks

How Top Figure Skaters are Using Video Analysis to Gain an Edge Over the Competition.

In the digital age, video technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives. From entertainment to education, videos have become an integral part of our daily routines. Did you know that video analysis can also be a game-changer when it comes to improving your figure skating? In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which incorporating videos into your athletic journey can give you an edge over the competition. (No pun intended)

Visual Learning

According to a study by the Social Science Research Network, 65% of the population are visual learners. This means that 65% of people learn better through photos, videos, graphs, diagrams, etc. While hearing your coach verbally explain what you did wrong can be helpful, having video feedback may just be that extra step you need to take your understanding to the next level.

Immediate Feedback

One of the most significant advantages of incorporating video analysis into sports training is the ability to receive immediate feedback. By recording and reviewing your performances, you gain valuable insights into your technique, form, and execution. This feedback allows you to identify areas that need improvement and make adjustments on the spot. This also can be an incredible way for coaches to provide precise personalized feedback, and help fine-tune your technique.

When athletes see themselves in action, it’s easier to comprehend how their body moves, how their posture affects performance, and allow them to correlate what they are feeling to what they are seeing.

Slow Motion

Diving deeper into the analysis of video feedback, a great tool to utilize is slow motion video. In the sport of figure skating, a lot can happen in a split second. A double axel only has an air time of around 0.4 seconds. That’s pretty fast!

By utilizing the slow motion feature of a video or taking the video frame by frame, you are able to analyze each portion of the skill with immense precision.

Injury Prevention and Bad Habits

Sports injuries are an unfortunate reality, and minimizing the risk of these injuries is of utmost importance for athletes. This is where the immense precision of slow motion videos comes in handy. Videos play a vital role in injury prevention by allowing athletes and coaches to analyze movement patterns, identify potential sources of strain, and break down each movement involved in a skill.

A developing injury or bad habit can be hard to detect while watching in real time, especially if the end result is still successful. Using deeper analysis to uncover improper techniques or movements that may lead to injury, coaches/athletes can implement corrective measures before they become a problem. Athletes can also use videos to maintain proper form during exercises, reducing the risk of overuse injuries and unnecessary strain on muscles and joints.

Track Your Progress

My personal favorite benefit of implementing videos into your everyday training is the ability to track your progress. No matter how long you have been skating, you have come a long way and that is something you deserve to be proud of!

This is actually one of the main reasons I love sharing videos on social media. Through this amazing platform I have been able to…

  • Make new friends
  • Share my videos with friends, family, and others I don’t get to see often
  • Track my skating progress
  • Celebrate my all skating achievements big and small

You can check out one of my progress videos here! Or check out more exciting video over on my Instagram!

But I don’t want to use social media…

Now I know what you might be thinking… “I don’t want all those random strangers on the internet seeing my videos!” I totally get it! So let’s talk about some ways to track your progress that don’t involve sharing your content to the public.

Private Social Media

Use a social media account but keep it private. By doing this you still get all the fun perks of sharing on social media, but you have more control over who sees your content. With a private account you get to accept or decline each and every person who requests to see your content.

Photos App Album

Keep a personal album on your phone of all of your progress videos. You can make this as specific as you want. Create one big progress folder with all your videos in it or separate them by skill. But just remember…this doesn’t have to be limited to your best videos. Those funny fail videos are part of the process too!

Showing the ability to review instagram followers through having a private account turned on.
Showing the icons for creating a new album or folder in the iPhone photos app.

Comparing Technique and Getting Inspired

In todays technology age, we have the world at our fingertips! Through platforms like Youtube and other streaming devices, we can access endless tutorials, training drills, and top skater performances.

By utilizing these platforms we can not only use them to get inspired and learn new skills, but we can also use it to compare our technique with the pros. Again, having that visual example of what a skill is supposed to look like can be extremely helpful during the learning process. We can then compare the example videos with our own and make corrections accordingly.

Enhancing Your Analysis

While you do not have to be a professional videographer to reap the benefits of video analysis, there are a few tools you can use to enhance your experience.

Logos of two popular video analysis apps, Hudl and On Form


There are many different apps like Hudl or On Form that give you extra tools to help you analyze your videos even further. Some of these tools include various speeds of slow motion, drawing tools, angle devices, and more!

Equipment – This can be a variety of tools such as tripods, professional cameras, and phone accessories like Pivo. Pivo is a motion tracking device to help you continuously stay in frame while skating.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

With the continued advancement of technology, the role of videos in sports training will only grow. Embracing this powerful tool can lead to remarkable improvements in an athlete’s abilities, boost team performance, and ensure a safer and more rewarding training experience. So, if you’re looking to take your sports training to the next level, it’s time to pick up that camera and capture the path to greatness!

XOXO, Rebecca

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